blog – Puravive Review – Buy Now!! Get 50% OFF + FREE BOTTLE Tue, 18 Jun 2024 07:35:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 230858958 Fast Ripped Keto Gummies Review {Side Effects}: Does It Work? Tue, 18 Jun 2024 07:35:47 +0000 Read more]]> Fast Ripped Keto Gummies Review
Fast Ripped Keto Gummies

You are seriously thinking about shedding off those extra pounds. In the past months, you’ve added a considerably amount of weight. Top on the list is not even hitting one of the busiest gyms near where you live, you are thinking about going for a weight loss supplement.

Despite the wide range of these supplements we have in the market, you have single out this particular one called Fast Ripped Keto Gummies. That was after you read all those great things about it. Well, I’m for I’ m about to break your heart. The product is not what they say it is after all.

Company behind

A very little known company is behind this product. No one really knows who they actually are since they have kept their operations strictly online.

Fast Ripped Keto Gummies claims

  • Helps you lose weight naturally
  • Trims fats from trouble areas like the belly and thighs
  • Naturally formulated
  • It burns fats in the body instead of carbs


If there is one thing about this weight loss formula that shouldn’t get you excited are its ingredients. In as much as those well known ingredients have been mentioned, I highly doubt if indeed it is true this formula comes with all of them. It could just be a way the manufacturer wants us to be lured into buying it.

How does it work?

As per the manufacturer’s explanation, it is claimed this product pushes the body to extreme limit. Through a process called ketosis, this formula is said to make the body burn stored fats for energy. Additionally, it is also said to put your appetite for food in check.


  • Reasonably priced


  • No credible results
  • Can potentially harm your body
  • It can deform the body
  • Not recommended for teenagers


One of the reasons, you are turning to weight loss supplements is because other weight loss methods have failed. Sadly, Fast Ripped Keto Gummies is also not going to help you in any way. It is highly ineffective and doesn’t guarantee you any credible results.

Where to buy Fast Ripped Keto Gummies

As with most weight loss supplements available today, you can only buy Fast Ripped Keto Gummies through the company’s main website. It is currently unavailable in stores and pharmacies.

Is it scam?

Yes, it is and I have no apologies to make. There are a lot if red flags and those alone make this product a scam. Take this for example: this product has not been put through the necessary clinical tests.

Side effects

Truth just be told, i know you would want to lose weight using one of the safest ways.  Fast Ripped Keto Gummies is not going to be one of those. Since it pushes the body to extreme lengths and that can destabilize the normal functioning of the body. In short, you are likely to suffer a number of side effects.


Overall, I know how you desperately want to shed off those extra pounds. However, I’m not going to advise you to try Fast Ripped Keto Gummies because I Know it is going to disappoint you in a myriad of ways. [phenq]

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Pure Fuel Keto ACV Gummies Review {Side Effects}: Scam, Does It Work? Wed, 22 May 2024 05:08:26 +0000 Read more]]> Pure Fuel Keto ACV Gummies Review
Pure Fuel Keto ACV Gummies

Ever heard about this online supplement called Pure Fuel Keto ACV Gummies?  It comes with big promises like how it can help you shed off those extra pounds and super slim. That alone has seen it find its way into so many homes. Sadly, even as the people behind it continue to reap rich benefits from unsuspecting customers, I’m going to tell you why this product is not worth your money at all.

Pure Fuel Keto ACV Gummies claims

  • Helps you achieve that slim body
  • It is 100 percent natural formula
  • Money back guarantee
  • Safe and highly effective


As effort to just make you want to buy this useless product, we have seen the company flash around those well known ancientplants and herbs as their main ingredients. Well, we are not sure about that. No test has been carried out to ascertain their claims. So don’t trust anything they tell you in respect to I the product’s ingredients.

How does it work?

It is claimed the product comes packed with powerful ingredients which penetrate right into those fat deposits and burning it to produce energy. It is also said to help control your appetite, meaning you will eat very less food.


  • Naturally formulated
  • Not as expensive as such


  • Not sold in stores
  • Reviews from independent sources are limited
  • Potential side effects


Truth be told, buying thissupplement with one hope ofgetting the best result is going to be a really huge much is marketed asthe best you could have, it doesn’t work at all. In fact, it seem this product was just created to make some people out there rich without first weighing in on the amount of benefits their customers are going to net form the product.

Where to buy Pure Fuel Keto ACV Gummies

This product is exclusively limited to online only; from the company’s operations to where you can buy the product. Users can buy the product by making their order on the company’s official website.

It is scam?

There is everyreason to think the supplement is just as scam as most online supplements. Other than just the fact that we don’t know who the real manufacturer is, there are some many questions which have ben raised by customers and the public as well. In short, it would befoolish for anyone to think this product is something they can really trust.

Side effects

It is for a fact, this supplement is not safe. In as much is marketed as the safest you could put your money on today, that is not exactly what I have heard from real users. This product makes the body totally unstable and you are likely to suffer a wide range of side effects.

So instead of endangering yourselves with ton of chemicals, it would make a lot of sense if you look for a much safer alternative.


What we have been told by the people behind this product just doesn’t matter. It is scam and buying it is just going to be a total waste of your time and money as well. Instead, we suggest you try other methods because this particular supplement is going to leave you feeling even more disappointed. [phenq]

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Zemopic Keto Review {Side Effects}: Does It Work? Sat, 11 May 2024 18:01:18 +0000 Read more]]> Zemopic Keto Reviews
Zemopic Keto Review

Zemopic Keto, a weight loss supplement that is very commonly used by people who want to stay in good shape and healthy. There are so many weight loss supplements, but unlike all those, the performance of Zemopic Keto is very poor. The poor quality and performance of this weight loss supplement has decreased it value and worth.

Zemopic Keto Claims

The manufacturer of the company claims that,

  • Zemopic Keto helps the body in burning the stored fat and utilize these fats in energy formation
  • It is a very good supplement that make the user healthy along with reducing a considerable weight
  • It suppresses the appetite and decrease the fat content stored in the body

Zemopic Keto Ingredients

The ingredients of this weight loss supplement consists of Caffeine, pysllium husk, chitosan and many other natural ingredients. All these ingredients burn the fat and use these fats in the form of energy for body. The presence of chitosan make it very easy for the body to get rid of a large quantity of fat from the body.

How does Zemopic Keto Work?

It works in a very impressive and wonderful way. It reduces the hunger and utilize the energy produced from the breakdown of stored fat in the body. It boost the metabolism and improve the presence of oxygen and blood in all parts of the body. It improves the flow of blood to all body parts.

Zemopic Keto Pros

  • One can reduce a large quality of fat from the body by using Zemopic Keto
  • One can get instant energy by using this supplement because it provides instant energy
  • The use of this weight loss supplement is encouraged at large scale

Zemopic Keto Cons

  • Zemopic Keto is not easily available all over the world
  • It is not medically approved for human use
  • It has many dangerous side effects upon the human health because its use is not
  • Not Approved from the medical experts and professionals
  • The price of the supplement is much higher than other products

Zemopic Keto Results

Zemopic Keto, is not a good weight loss product. It has no good effect on human health. It is a not a worthy supplement.

Where to buy Zemopic Keto?

One can purchase it from the official website of the company. It will be delivered at the doorstep of the user if he has order it after filling a small online form at the official website of the company.

Is Zemopic Keto a Scam?

Yes, it is a scam because its use if not medically approved. It is obvious that one cannot use it until or unless he has get advised from a medical professionals. To prove a real product the manufacture has to get its medical approval from the doctors.

Zemopic Keto Side effects

High blood pressure, asthma and digestive problems are common side effects of this weight loss supplement. The users of this product have not given any valuable and important statement about its performance. Most of the users claim that this is not a good product with a lot of side effects.

Final Verdict

The use of Zemopic Keto is not medically recommended because it is not a good product. By keeping in view the comments of the users we can say that its is not a good weight loss supplement. It use should be discouraged because its side effects are detrimental for human health. It has no good result to be appreciated. [phenq]

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Fit Flare Keto Gummies Review {BE CAREFUL}: Scam, Side Effects, Does It Work? Wed, 08 May 2024 18:24:25 +0000 Read more]]> Fit Flare Keto Gummies Review
Fit Flare Keto Gummies

Over the past few months, a new supplement has been causing massive controversy and discussion around its effects. Fit Flare Keto Gummies is a polarizing product; it promises to accelerate the fat burning process and markets itself as a catalyst for anti-obesity and working towards a healthier level of food consumption. Its feature on Dr. Oz has made it extremely popular, with many people citing it as the cause of their weight loss success.

Company behind Fit Flare Keto Gummies

This supplement is not held by one individual company but can be produced by anyone. As is the case with open competition, you need to be aware of who you’re buying from and ensure it is the highest grade Garcinia you can find. Reputable and trustworthy sources should be where you look to first.

Fit Flare Keto Gummies Claims

  • Makes you feel full: the product promises that your body will be satisfied with much less food than what it normally consumes.
  • Lower body weight: With better eating habits comes faster weight loss, the supplement claims to be the catalyst for this change.
  • Speeds up Metabolism: Promises to speed up the process that converts food and drink into energy.
  • Improves athletic performance: When taking this Fit Flare Keto Gummies, you will have more energy and stamina to work harder for long periods of time.

Fit Flare Keto Gummies Ingredients

The essential ingredient is the citrus Garcinia Cambogia, a delicious fruit that grows in Southeast Asia. Traditionally, the extract of this fruit has been used for cooking acid, but has also been considered a traditional supplement for weight loss. This essential ingredient has since been repurposed into tablets and liquid for easy consumption.

How Fit Flare Keto Gummies work?

The Garcinia fruit has been drained of the essential ingredient Hydroxycitic Acid, which when consumed, has powerful effects on the body. The compound has been linked with fat burning, as well as a boost in serotonin. The serotonin increase is to help stabilize mood, as a majority of diet breaking eating comes with the emotional stress of hunger.

Fit Flare Keto Gummies Pros

  • Studies have been linked to positive effects of taking the extract. When coupled with exercise and healthy eating, it can lead to surprising amounts of weight lost.
  • The supplement effectively suppresses hunger and appetite, meaning you can eat less and go longer periods of time.

Fit Flare Keto Gummies Cons

  • Dizziness: the most common side effect is dizziness; this comes with your body adjusting to the smaller portions and less fuel.
  • Dry Mouth: Dry mouth is linked to the dehydration of the body that comes with this supplement.
  • Upset Stomach: With lack of food comes a stomach pain as your body gets used to eating less food.
  • Some have found that the product does not actually change their weight or hunger. Make sure the product you are buying is the highest grade, and you are taking the correct dosage.

Fit Flare Keto Gummies Results

When taking Garcinia Cambogia which is made up of more than 50% hydroxycitiric acid, you will find real benefits for its weight loss process as well as hunger suppression.

Where can I buy Fit Flare Keto Gummies?

Fit Flare Keto Gummies can be purchased through most health and supplement stores, as well as online. Ensure that you can see the ingredients and you are getting a real high grade amount, as knock-offs will not create the same positive results.

Is Fit Flare Keto Gummies a scam?

While real product has been linked to positive weight change, be aware that low quality suppliers are flooding the market, and these products are more interested in your money than actually helping you lose weight. These extracts should be handled with extreme caution and you should limit your purchases to only well-known suppliers.

Fit Flare Keto Gummies Side Effects

Patients have found that the supplement is safe to consume over long periods of time without major side effects. Minor effects can include the cons listed above, dry mount, discomfort, nausea and headaches. Working with a doctor can ensure that you use the supplement correctly.

Final Verdict

When buying Fit Flare Keto Gummies, be aware of the multitude of scams on the marketplace. When buying from a trusted manufacturer, it is clear that the extract can provide positive results in weight loss and appetite suppression. To ensure that the product is working as effectively as possible, combining it with a proper diet and exercise will ensure that you can enjoy all the weight loss benefits of this exciting new product.

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Lean Logic Keto Gummies Review {Scam}: Side Effects, Does It Work? Tue, 07 May 2024 14:53:25 +0000 Read more]]> Lean Logic Keto Gummies Review
Lean Logic Keto Gummies

If you have experienced the nightmares that come with weight loss, I will without any doubt mention to you that it’s because of the consumption of monsters like Lean Logic Keto Gummies. Do not continue digging yourself a grave this early while struggling to achieve weight loss with Lean Logic Keto Gummies. Get along with me as I take you through this article and unfold all about it and its effects to your health.

Company behind

The location of its operations is in rendezvous. It is only known to operate online. You can only access their services online websites. Their official offices are hard to find.

Lean Logic Keto Gummies formula claims

  • Helps you get more energy
  • Assist the metabolic process
  • Incredibly reduces your appetite
  • Solution to slimming difficult parts of the body
  • Enables quick weight loss
  • Tremendous trimming of fats in the body.


The Lean Logic Keto Gummies is mentioned to have natural ingredients known as BHB ketones that assists your body burn stored deposits of fats through the process of ketosis. The most discouraging thing about this product is that it encompasses other unknown substances such chemicals that are proven to be unfit for your health. Talk of chemicals that absolutely sabotage your appetite.

How does it works

The product is alleged to provide weight loss through the process known as ketosis. The ketones gear this process to burn the deposits of fats. During the process of ketosis, this product effect body negatively to completely halt the breakdown of carbs and enables the exogenous ketones to be used to burn fats. Additionally, it has another ingredient known as gamboge tree that adversely suppresses your appetite. This is dangerous since it can lead you to suffer of malnutrition disease.


  • Relatively cheap and pocket friendly.
  • Easier to use.


  • It is not powerful
  • Cause adverse effects to persons under 18 years’ old
  • It’s not super fact in acting
  • It does not offer a long lasting solutions
  • It has no clear prescriptions in its package


Presentable shapes and figures of the body is always the outmost dream of every individual particularly ladies who want to display their amazing beauty in the gallery of nature. You got not to try out this monster call Lean Logic Keto Gummies. It will squander the very thing you always valued in your life. In the name of aiding weight loss, it will deform your body shape and you will look uglier than ever.

Where to buy

Lean Logic Keto Gummies is bought online since the company is only to limited online shops. No physical shop that you will ever find these products.

Is it a scam?

Lean Logic Keto Gummies is something under the waters, nobody known about its authenticity. There is no documentation about the product and its production. On the package of Lean Logic Keto Gummies, you will not find a mark of quality from relevant authorities, doubtable assurance that the product is not safe for your health. The value of the product is not actually in tandem with its price. Who are you to trust?

Side effects

Until now, there are numerous reported complaints about the side effects associated with the use of Lean Logic Keto Gummies. It’s never compatible with other dietary foods. Furthermore, it sabotages your appetite to eating. Take care it might cause you imbalance diet.


Trust is unique and important thing that is accorded to human being in order to hold what he /she believes to bring no harm. But trust can’t be bestowed in Lean Logic Keto Gummies. It’s a disaster! [phenq]

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Ketosyn ACV Gummies Review {Scam}: Side Effects, Does It Work? Tue, 07 May 2024 10:02:12 +0000 Read more]]> Ketosyn ACV Gummies Review
Ketosyn ACV Gummies

It is for a fact, shedding off those extra pounds can be one of the hardest things you could actually do today. People no longer get time to hit the gym and probably keep that weight at bay, and are now turning to weight loss supplements we have in the market. While you could be lucky and find one that works for you, others will not only leave you feeling disappointed, but also with some serious side effects. One such product is Ketosyn ACV Gummies. Although the company behind it have in the past tried to paint it as a magic weight loss pills that has been strongly opposed by people who have tried it before.

Company behind

The Ketosyn ACV Gummies is manufactured by a not so well known online company. Similar with the rest, they have no registered physical address; another reason why you should be worried about this supplement.

Ketosyn ACV Gummies claims:

  • Initiate ketosis process
  • Burn fats naturally
  • 100 percent natural ingredients
  • Increase metabolism rate in the body

Ketosyn ACV Gummies ingredients

The makers of this product say, it is 100 percent made of natural herbs and ingredients. We strongly disagree as that is just a way of luring people into buying their product. The Ketosyn ACV Gummies is said to come with BHP as the main ingredients. Others have not been documented by on the company’s website

How does it work?

The Ketosyn ACV Gummies is keto based diet and we know what that means; according to people behind it, this supplement is said to trigger ketosis process in the body. Once this state is initiated, metabolism rate is significantly raised leading to burning of fat compounds. Secondly, for what is fast becoming popular in this kind of supplement, the ingredients is also said to help suppress you appetite. Again, we are not sure if indeed all this is the truth. We are relying on what the creators of this product have said and we know they are going to say anything bad about their product.


  • Increased energy levels
  • Lose weight safely
  • Lean and sexy body


  • Side effects
  • Not recommended for women who are breastfeeding
  • Not available in stores


The Ketosyn ACV Gummies is not some sort of magic pill that will help you lose weight fast. It doesn’t work as claimed. Besides,  if it does work for you, it will take you months before you could actually see any tangible results.

Where to buy

This product is purely sold online. Currently, you can find it a number of online stores including Amazon, Walmart and also through the company’s official website.

Is it a scam?

Based largely on what we have heard, the Ketosyn ACV Gummies is just as scam as the rest. This pill was basically created to reap people off their money. It doesn’t work as claimed. Plus, it has not been approved by the relevant authorities. In short, it is not one of the safest weight loss pills you can count on.

Side effects

The Ketosyn ACV Gummies is basically a keto based diet, and much like any other keto diet, you should expect to deal with a number of side effects. Although the company behind it has in the recent past claimed to come with no side effects, a significant number of people have come out and claimed to have had to deal with issues like, dizziness, stomach upsets, and abnormal heart rate among others.


Overall, if you are out there shooing for a safe and effective weight loss supplement, there is no way in the world, Ketosyn ACV Gummies is going to help you. It doesn’t work as claimed. So instead of putting your money on it, enroll for those gym sessions and burn those extra fats naturally and safely.

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Proper Keto Capsules Review {Side Effects}: Does It Work? Fri, 03 May 2024 14:53:18 +0000 Read more]]> Proper Keto Capsules Review
Proper Keto Capsules

The Proper Keto Capsules being a relatively new product in the market, we are pretty sure it is going to get many people a little bit excited.

People are now turning away from going to the gym and embracing supplements. While others have proven to actually work others have left people battling with serious side effects.

So does the Proper Keto Capsules really work or is just like the rest?

We are pretty sure that is the first question that will come into mind if you are thinking of trying out this product.

Company behind Proper Keto Capsules

The Proper Keto Capsules is made by a US online based company called Proper Keto Capsules. They currently don’t have any physical office and can only be reached through their website.

Proper Keto Capsules claims to:
  • Helps improve health
  • Helps you lose weight fast and naturally
  • It detoxifies the body
  • Decreases fatigue making you feeling active all day long

Proper Keto Capsules Ingredients

The Proper Keto Capsules does come with one primary ingredient; BHP. This ingredient has in the years found its way into a number of supplements.

BHP play a key role for it help enhance metabolism rate. It basically induces the body into ketosis process. A procedure that will help you shed some extra pounds.

How does Proper Keto Capsules work?

Coming with BHP as the main ingredient it is said this product can trigger the body to go into ketogenic state. This will in turn make sure fat compounds are converted into energy. Your appetite will also be suppressed.

Proper Keto Capsules Pros

  • Reduces belly aft
  • Mental alertness
  • Burns up the body fats

Proper Keto Capsules Cons

• No meant for pregnant mothers
• People have been operated are not supposed to use it
• Not suitable for persons under age of 18

Proper Keto Capsules Results

The Proper Keto Capsules is no some sort of magic pill that will give you some overnight success. So instead being frustrated, we suggest you hit the gym. That could be the only way you could shed off those extra pounds.

Where to buy Proper Keto Capsules?

For a pack of Proper Keto Capsules, you can visit their website and place an order there. You will not find thus product in any store or pharmacy. It is purely online based.

Is Proper Keto Capsules a scam?

The Proper Keto Capsules is not as legit as they have always claimed. It has not been tested and the company behind it have not really come out clean about the product.

Proper Keto Capsules Side effects

Although the makers of this product claiming to come with no side effects, we strongly dispute this statement.

There is no single supplement that doesn’t come with a degree of side effects. We expect the Proper Keto Capsules to react differently on different people.

Some of the side effects you are likely to experience include dizziness, abnormal heart rate, stomach upset among others.


When it comes to supplements; it is for a fact, we need something that works and with no side effects,; a key reason you need to stay away from Proper Keto Capsules.

Although the makers have in the last few weeks try to pain it in a good picture, this product has not proved if indeed it is worth trying out. It does not work as claimed after all. [phenq]

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